A lookbook chronicling the emptiness that settled after my father's death.
April 2018

My dad died in April 2018 due to a degenerative muscle and nerve disease.
In order to feel close to him, I spent my days looking through our old analog and digital photos. While flipping through these photos, the idea for my "heart project" was born.
Primarily, I wanted to express the deep-seated emptiness that now clouds our lives; I wanted to give these emotions a face. A visualization of how utterly useless the most basic of things surrounding me now felt. His loss has now become a figure-less shadow silently strolling beside us and causing indescribable pain.
My dad is missed everywhere; not only during milestone events but also in our day-to-day affairs. Therefore, I wanted to best portray his physical absence by way of comparison. I aimed to capture my newfound understanding of life as evanescent and reminisce about not having taken for granted his remarkable presence in my life. I hope my lookbook inspires people to connect with their loved ones in meaningful ways.
(Links to interviews below)

Happy Birthday, Papa / How I Got Into Photography
September 2021
A short film about the idea and curating process of "Hello Dad" and how this project turned out to be the beginning of my photographic journey.
Published on my dad's 56th birthday.